Jumel jams now in one click
2019 has been a special year for Jumel, as we have celebrated our 40th anniversary. 40 years dedicated to quality and innovation. A date we could not miss. To celebrate the start of this special year, we wanted to surprise you with the introduction of our new collection of Extra jams without added sugar or fructose, with which we also launched our new online sales service.

Recipe: Cheescake with Jumel Jam
After these rainy days, you are surely looking forward to celebrating Easter and May Bank Holiday with family and friends. These are days when you go out into the countryside, enjoy outdoor and share a good picnic. Maybe you are looking for a recipe to contribute to those long days of feasts. If this is your case, we offer one of the most classic sweets: the cheesecake. Of course, decorated with some of our tasty jams.

Ice cream recipe with jam
The beach season begins, terraces, trips and… ice cream! If you are passionate about this refreshing dessert, with an easy recipe made with jam, you can enjoy homemade ice cream throughout the summer.

Suggestions for snacks with jams, preserves and syrups Jumel
Many people arrive hungry for dinner and it is for not having a good snack.
This is a bad habit because the only thing you get is to eat abundantly before sleeping, which is inadvisable.